Pima County Public Library

We offer free access and services.

All residents of Pima County have a right to free, equitable, and convenient access to library resources. Library buildings are a place of intellectual discovery, and are inviting, comfortable, and safe.

We support intellectual freedom.

The Library supports freedom of speech and the right of residents to receive uncensored information. The Library is a forum for information and ideas in the community.
We provide a foundation for life-long learning.

The Library is an essential source of knowledge for the community, providing educational resources for all ages and pursuits. Reading is vitally important and can open doors as well as expand horizons throughout our lives. The Library supports early reading readiness, formal and alternative education, and life-long learning.

We foster a climate of respect and trust.

Mutual respect and trust are honored both internally and externally. Customers and staff are valued, supported, and respected.

We are customer focused.

The Library strives for excellent customer service. It creates and makes available information, materials and programs that are anticipatory, convenient and responsive. As part of municipal government, Library resources are woven into public service policies and initiatives that strengthen government's ability to address community concerns.

We find strength in diversity.

The Library reflects, supports, and celebrates the diversity of the community in its services, collections and staff.We form strong partnerships.The Library's resources,involvement, and leadership in the community are extended through partnerships with community members, other City and County departments, businesses, institutions, organizations, and agencies.We are focused on sustainability.The library is a partner and supporter of the Sustainable Action Plan for Pima County Operations.